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Industrial Projects

Microscope for microsurgery

A microscope for microsurgery with an ergonomic design and a smart display to integrate data points. The technology improves the comfort and workplace health and safety of medical surgeons by preventing musculoskeletal disorders, while also improving information flows, resulting in greater efficiency and accuracy during surgery. To design this product I studied surgeons in practice in hospitals in Santiago.

Underwater drone

Design and development of an underwater remote-operated vehicle for marine exploration and aquaculture (hydrodynamic ROV).

Medical ventilator

In the middle of the pandemic, I designed a low-cost ventilator for emergency treatment of COVID-19 patients.

UV-C light sanitizer

I designed a UV-C sanitiser system (now in its third version) for use in hospitals and other facilities, which has had commercial success in Chile.

Graphic Projects


Design of all sorts of printed documents. Brochures, triptychs, magazines, business cards and more.

Branding, labelling and packaging

Development of Brands, with all the related designs, from labels to packaging.